Our unique design uses expansion of the air stream (rather than refrigerants) to generate the cold temperatures that condense water out of the air. By eliminating the need for complex and costly refrigerant systems, we can offer an air dryer that:
“There has to be a catch, right?”
JT Series Air Dryers are for use with 2-Stage Air Compressors only. So, if you are one of millions of compressor owners with a 2-Stage Compressor 30 HP or under - you’ve just found the Best Way to dry your compressed air!
Brian Elliott has over 40 years of experience in design and manufacturing, with most of those years in the compressed air industry. Brian designed the JT dryers with compressor users themselves in mind.
Easy to afford - Easy to install - Nothing to replace
Just install it and forget it.
Despite being vital to most shops, compressors don’t always get the attention they need, much less the air dryers. Brian designed JT series air dryers because he knew compressor users needed a compressed air dryer they could install and trust to work for years to come.
Brian Elliott has become one of the foremost authorities on compressed air in the country. As the author of The Compressed Air Operations Manual, published by McGraw-Hill, designer of JT Series Air Dryers, and holder of two US Patents for air dryers, to date, he can answer your questions about JT Dryers and how they would work with your compressor system.
Not sure if JT Dryers are right for you?
Just call 713-721-9619.
(M-Th, 8:30 am – 4:00 pm Central Time)
Or, use the Contact Us button below.